Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Irrlicht runs on Pocket PC emulator
The WinCE branch in the mirrlicht project now has the first screen shot. It's just a simple MD2 animated figure with a static text GUI element. The porting is developed using MS Visual Studio 2005. The rendering is performed by an OpenGL ES software implementation -- Rasteroid from Hybrid. It runs on a Pocket PC 2003 emulator. However, the frame rate is very low on the emulator (like showing slides). I've also encountered memory constraint and had to setup an emulator with 96M RAM and to increase the program memory( Start > Settings > System tab > Memory).
Note that if you want to try the program, you need to copy %VS2005_INSTALL_DIR%\vc\ce\dll\armv4\msvcr80.dll, rasteroid3.1\bin\wince\pp2003\device\libGLES_CM_NoE.dll, libEGL.dll
to the Windows directory on your device or emulator.
copy Branches\WinCE\examples\WinCE\HelloWorldStandAlone\Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)\Release\HelloWorld.exe to \Program Files\HellowWorld directory of the device or emulator.
copy Branches\WinCE\media\laalaa.md2, laalaa8.bmp to \media directory of the device or emulator.
I've packed those files together and you can downloaded at
Saturday, December 02, 2006
PuyoMobile update 0.1.1
The download link of PuyoMobile is updated to 0.1.1, which fixes the slugglish key response problem. The source code is also updated, accordingly. Check the project webpage
Thursday, November 30, 2006
mIrrlicht has its own homepage.
Since google now offers up to five personal webpages for Google Page Creator, I applied a new one for the mobile porting of irrlicht project. In the developer section, you might find some useful information for building the project.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Puyo puyo mobile edition 0.1 released!
This mobile edition is developed with NetBeans 5.5. It runs on J2ME platform and has been tested on my Siemens CX65. Download the zipped executables and source code on the project page. The latest source code shares the same subversion depot with the J2SE version.
Monday, November 20, 2006
New screenshot of irrlicht symbian port
Time to release a new screenshot and a video clip. Now the scene becomes more interesting. It's a Quake3 map with two animated faeries. This roughly corresponds the Collision example included in the irrlicht engine. In addition, the user can navigate in the small castle scene.
The video clip you can download here.
(Note: currently in the mirrlicht subversion depot on google code, I use a different animated figure, a monkey. The reason is: under the default setting of the emulator, the RAM is 32M. After loading the quake3 map, the faerie model can't be loaded due to memory constraint. If you want to load the faerie model, you have to adjust the emulator's setting. I've tested 48M. It works fine.)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Porting irrlicht to Symbian platform.
Recently, I'm trying to port a popular open-source graphics engine irrlicht onto mobile platforms. The first target is nokia's S60. Some preliminary results have been achieved. Have a look! (Screen shot, Video clip).
Latest source code can be download here with a subversion client tool. The trunk contains the ported code and synced with revision 301(13.11.2006) of the sourceforge svn depot of irrlicht. A sync branch under "branches" serves as a bridge for merging with the irrlicht depot. In the directory "source/irrlicht", there are two symbian projects generated by CarbideVS. The first one is mirrlicht(the directory name is Symbian), which contains irrlicht compiled as a dll and a helloworld example exe. It currently doesn't work (simply crashes the emulator) since I haven't figured out how to use dlls on Symbian platform. The second one is symbirrlicht. It's compiled as a monolithic exe consisting of the ported irrlicht source code and the hello world sample code. The screenshot and videos are generated by this project.
Since no STL is used in irrlicht and the software structure also lends itself to easy extending, the porting goes rather smoothly. I've spent only several days before getting the first results (including fighting with Symbian dev platform coz I'm a newbie of it) .
The following outlines some important points for the porting.
This is key component for the porting to work. Because OpenGL ES 1.1 doesn't support glBegin/glEnd, glVertex commands, I have to replace some 2D rendering code with glDrawElements. Some other unsupported features like glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib, Texcoord generation needs workarounds or completely disable.
Reversed color formt like A1R5B5G5 is not supported by OpenGL ES, so we have to convert the image data to normal order.
3.In image and 3D model loading code, the compiler directives for byte alignment needs to be adapted for Symbian. (All of them actually are the same, maybe later this could be refactored to a common place to facilitate porting to other systems.)
4.Add a new irrDevice -- irrDeviceSymbian.
The cursorcontrol and event handling has been completely disabled.
Latest source code can be download here with a subversion client tool. The trunk contains the ported code and synced with revision 301(13.11.2006) of the sourceforge svn depot of irrlicht. A sync branch under "branches" serves as a bridge for merging with the irrlicht depot. In the directory "source/irrlicht", there are two symbian projects generated by CarbideVS. The first one is mirrlicht(the directory name is Symbian), which contains irrlicht compiled as a dll and a helloworld example exe. It currently doesn't work (simply crashes the emulator) since I haven't figured out how to use dlls on Symbian platform. The second one is symbirrlicht. It's compiled as a monolithic exe consisting of the ported irrlicht source code and the hello world sample code. The screenshot and videos are generated by this project.
Since no STL is used in irrlicht and the software structure also lends itself to easy extending, the porting goes rather smoothly. I've spent only several days before getting the first results (including fighting with Symbian dev platform coz I'm a newbie of it) .
The following outlines some important points for the porting.
This is key component for the porting to work. Because OpenGL ES 1.1 doesn't support glBegin/glEnd, glVertex commands, I have to replace some 2D rendering code with glDrawElements. Some other unsupported features like glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib, Texcoord generation needs workarounds or completely disable.
Reversed color formt like A1R5B5G5 is not supported by OpenGL ES, so we have to convert the image data to normal order.
3.In image and 3D model loading code, the compiler directives for byte alignment needs to be adapted for Symbian. (All of them actually are the same, maybe later this could be refactored to a common place to facilitate porting to other systems.)
4.Add a new irrDevice -- irrDeviceSymbian.
The cursorcontrol and event handling has been completely disabled.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Puyo puyo - A puzzle game written in java
Just published a puzzle game called "Puyo Puyo". The project is hosted using google's project hosting service and written in java. The license is LGPL.Currently it has a simple project homepage at
If you have NetBeans 5.5 installed, you can check out all the files under /trunk/puyo and directly open it using the IDE. Of course if you are familiar with Java SDK, it should be easy to only check out the essential source code and compile and run it using the command line tools provided by the SDK.
The look and feel is rather primitive at the moment. But it could be improved over time. If you have interest, you can also drop me a line and we can do it together.
The first release (version 0.1) can be downloaded here. If you already have java run time environment installed on your machine, simply double click the jar file starts the game.
Have fun with it!
If you have NetBeans 5.5 installed, you can check out all the files under /trunk/puyo and directly open it using the IDE. Of course if you are familiar with Java SDK, it should be easy to only check out the essential source code and compile and run it using the command line tools provided by the SDK.
The look and feel is rather primitive at the moment. But it could be improved over time. If you have interest, you can also drop me a line and we can do it together.
The first release (version 0.1) can be downloaded here. If you already have java run time environment installed on your machine, simply double click the jar file starts the game.
Have fun with it!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Raytraced balls with refraction using FX Composer
I've tweaked a little bit the raytrace.fxproj shipped with FX Composer 1.8 from NVidia. Originally the raytracer support only reflection. I tried to show refraction (Figure 1) instead of reflection (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Raytraced balls with reflection
Figure 2. Raytraced balls with reflection
The following gives some details about the tweak.
First of all, we need to specify a transmittance coefficient to describe how much light can be refracted. We give a name Kt.
Then we need a function to compute the direction of refracted ray given the incoming ray and a refraction index. You can find the function and explanation in the Cg Tutorial book sample chaper. The formula behind it can be also found on the Snell's law on wikipedia.
Finally, in the RayTracePS function, we comment out the reflection part and add a similar part for refraction:
Note that everything is similar except the routine for computing the nearest hit point for the refracted ray:
NearestHitExcludeObj(refrray, hitobj, hitobj2, hit).
This function computes a hit obj (hitobj2) but excluding the current hit obj (hitobj). This is because the refracted ray starts from the current hit obj. If we don't exclude it, the function will return "no hit" result since the ray intersects the current obj at the very origin point of the ray and the parameter t of the ray is then 0 and below the error threshold.
// find nearest hit returns intersection point. The excludeobj will be excluded.
First of all, we need to specify a transmittance coefficient to describe how much light can be refracted. We give a name Kt.
struct Sphere {
float3 centre;
float rad2; // radius^2
float4 color;
float Kd, Ks, Kr, Kt;
~~~ //this variable is added
Then we need a function to compute the direction of refracted ray given the incoming ray and a refraction index. You can find the function and explanation in the Cg Tutorial book sample chaper. The formula behind it can be also found on the Snell's law on wikipedia.
float3 refract(float3 i, float3 n, float eta)
float cosi = dot(-i, n);
float cost2 = 1.0 - eta * eta * (1.0 - cosi*cosi);
float3 t = eta*i + ((eta*cosi - sqrt(abs(cost2))) * n);
return t * float3(cost2 > 0.0, cost2>0.0, cost2 > 0.0);
Finally, in the RayTracePS function, we comment out the reflection part and add a similar part for refraction:
// shoot reflection ray
float3 r = reflect(eyeray.d, n);
Ray reflray;
reflray.o = i;
reflray.d = r;
float3 ri = NearestHit(reflray, hitobj2, hit);
if (hit) {
n = SphereNormal(object[hitobj2], ri);
c += Shade(ri, n, reflray.d, hitobj2) * object[hitobj].Kr;
} else {
c += backgroundColor;
// shoot refraction ray
float3 t = refract(eyeray.d, n, 0.9);
Ray refrray;
refrray.o = i;
refrray.d = t;
float3 ti = NearestHitExcludeObj(refrray, hitobj, hitobj2, hit);
if (hit) {
n = SphereNormal(object[hitobj2], ti);
c += Shade(ti, n, refrray.d, hitobj2) * object[hitobj].Kt;
} else {
c += backgroundColor;
Note that everything is similar except the routine for computing the nearest hit point for the refracted ray:
NearestHitExcludeObj(refrray, hitobj, hitobj2, hit).
This function computes a hit obj (hitobj2) but excluding the current hit obj (hitobj). This is because the refracted ray starts from the current hit obj. If we don't exclude it, the function will return "no hit" result since the ray intersects the current obj at the very origin point of the ray and the parameter t of the ray is then 0 and below the error threshold.
// find nearest hit returns intersection point. The excludeobj will be excluded.
float3 NearestHitExcludeObj(Ray ray, int excludeobj,
out int hitobj, out bool anyhit)
float mint = 1e10;
hitobj = -1;
anyhit = false;
for(int i=0; i < NOBJECTS; i++) {
bool hit;
float t = SphereIntersect(object[i], ray, hit);
if (hit && i!=excludeobj) {
if (t < mint) {
hitobj = i;
mint = t;
anyhit = true;
return ray.o + ray.d*mint;
Monday, October 30, 2006
Becomes a wikipedian.
Today I've written a wiki page for "visual hull", which is the topic researched during my PhD work. Huuurah! Now I became a member of the more than 2.5 millions wikipedian.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
"GrahpicsMakesFun" (GMF) opens!
I'm going to use my msn space as a blog dedicated to hobby, social activities. So this blog is created to serve as a tech-oriented one (especially computer grahics) .
Initially I want to give it a name rendermania to match the nickname on my portal site on google pages. However, somebody else has already registered this name. Then I gives it a relatively long name "GrahpicsMakesFun" (GMF).
Initially I want to give it a name rendermania to match the nickname on my portal site on google pages. However, somebody else has already registered this name. Then I gives it a relatively long name "GrahpicsMakesFun" (GMF).
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